My luggage is packed! Even though I'm going for a business trip (and one week or holidays), I'm taking my backpack. It's better than a trolley: it's a cool backpack. It has two separate compartiments (they can be put toguether too), in the lowest one I always carry shoes, and in the biggest one, I carry my cloths. It can be open from the side in the same way as a normal trolley, unlikely the normal backpacks, in which the openning is in the top.
It can be carried as a backpack or as a normal bag: very convinient for the flight.
Here is everything I'll take for a month:

- 8 pants (3 longs, 4x3/4, 1 short)
- sport shoes & flip-flops
- toilet bag & suncream & moskito repelent
Do you think it's a lot? Its weight is just 10 kilos!
What about the sleeping bag?